Everybody wants healthy teeth and gums.  This month Dr. Mary Rose discusses how to reach and maintain a proper level of oral hygiene.

April 2nd, 2024

Brushing and Flossing: Dr. Mary Rose suggests brushing at least twice a day and flossing once a day.  When selecting a toothbrush, use a soft bristled toothbrush.  The soft bristles are safer on your gums.  Flossing is very important.  It keeps your teeth and your gums healthy.  Flossing also helps remove food particles trapped between your teeth.  Don’t forget to brush your tongue to remove bacteria.

Toothpaste: There is a wide variety of toothpaste on the market today.  Dr. Mary Rose suggests using a toothpaste that contains fluoride.  Fluoride helps prevent the growth of harmful oral bacteria, slows down the loss of minerals from tooth enamel as well as reverses early signs of tooth decay.

Diet:  A healthy diet is important for your overall health including your oral health.  Eating a variety of healthy foods (fruits, grains, vegetables, fluoridated water, protein and dairy) provides essential nutrients needed to have healthy teeth and gums.  If your diet lacks certain nutrients, your risk for gum disease, infection and tooth loss increases.

Nighttime Teeth Grinding/Clinching:  To avoid damage to your teeth, Dr. Mary Rose suggests an occlusal guard worn at night.  The mouthguard will protect your teeth, prevent headaches associated with grinding and clinching and will improve your sleep quality.

Regular Dental Visits: Dr. Mary Rose recommends scheduling regular hygiene visits.  During your visit, Dr. Mary Rose will be able to check for tooth decay, gum diseases, or any other potential problems. 

If you have any questions about maintaining a proper level of oral hygiene, Dr. Mary Rose would be happy to answer any concerns you may have during your visit to our office.

Vaping and E-cigarettes – This month Dr. Mary Rose discusses the health risks associated with electronic cigarettes.

March 1st, 2024

What is vaping and e-cigarettes?  Vaping is a way to “smoke” and take in addictive nicotine without tobacco.  Vaping devices are called E-cigarettes or e-cigs.  The vaping devices heat up the liquid which forms a fine mist the user inhales.  Many individuals use this method thinking it is healthier than the traditional cigarette. 

What are the health risks with E-cigarettes?  Like traditional cigarettes, E-cigarettes contain various harmful chemicals and particles.  The mist created by the E-Cigarettes contain chemicals that are known to cause cancer, asthma or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).  Individuals using the E-cigarettes are also inhaling particles like nickel, lead and tin.  E-cigarettes may come in various flavors which draws young teens to try them and become addicted.  These added flavorings also increase the risk for cavities.

If you have any questions about how to quit smoking E-cigarettes or traditional tobacco products, Dr. Mary Rose would be happy to discuss options. 

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month!

February 1st, 2024

While most people associate February with Valentines Day, February is also National Children’s Dental Health Month!  This month, Dr. Mary Rose focuses on the importance of oral health in children.

Just like adults, children should visit their dentist every six months.  This helps develop good oral health habits, which will lead to a lifetime of healthy gums and teeth.  Dr. Mary Rose suggests making a hygiene appointment as soon as the first baby teeth come in.  Children usually see their first baby tooth between 6 months to one year of age.

Last month, Dr. Mary Rose discussed the benefits of sealants.  After sealants are applied in children, the risk of decay can be reduced by nearly 80% in molars. 

If your child is diagnosed with decay on their primary (baby) teeth or their permanent teeth, Dr. Mary Rose recommends that the decay is removed to allow your child to eat and speak normally.  Removing decay will prevent the child from developing an abscess as well as keeping their teeth from shifting.

Dr. Mary Rose suggests brushing your child’s teeth as soon as the first one appears.  If your child is under 3 years old, you only need a small amount of toothpaste (about the size of a grain of rice).  Dr. Mary Rose suggests flossing your child’s teeth daily starting at the age of 3.  Lastly, make sure your child eats a well-balanced diet. 

If you have any questions about your child’s hygiene, Dr. Mary Rose would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Got Sealants?  This month Dr. Mary Rose discusses how you can reduce the risk of cavities with sealants

January 2nd, 2024

We all try to have a consistent oral hygiene routine that will remove plaque, food and debris from our teeth.   Unfortunately, brushing and flossing can not always remove the food and bacteria from your back teeth because of the deep grooves your teeth need to help you grind up food when you chew.  To help reduce the risk of cavities, Dr. Mary Rose will place sealants to reduce the risk of cavities.

What are sealants?  Dental sealants are a thin, protective plastic coating that protect the chewing surfaces of your back teeth.  Once applied, sealants can protect molars for up to 6 years reducing the chances for invasive dental work.  Dr. Mary Rose will check the sealants during your hygiene visits to make sure they do not need replaced due to wear or if missing.

Who can benefit from sealants?  Dr. Mary Rose recommends sealants for children when their permanent molars have fully erupted.  In some cases, Dr. Mary Rose might suggest sealants for your child’s primary (baby) teeth if there are deep grooves to protect the adult teeth.  Dr. Mary Rose recommends sealants to anyone, even adults, who are prone to tooth decay on their back teeth.

Sealants are a safe and effective way to reduce the risk of cavities.  If you have any questions, Dr. Mary Rose would be happy to discuss sealants with you.

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